Wednesday, November 4, 2009



When a patient of AC MI or UNSTABLE ANGINA or IHD detected recently comes to you ,he is stressed about his future , about disease and wants many answers.
Doctors answers can put him at ease or can increase his tensions.Avoiding the truth and not telling him the real problem is no solution as that will lead to poor copration of patient and will harm his cause .
He has to be put at ease and motivated fairly to seek his copration for fighting the disease.
I usually start with that all of us here are heart patients including me . Any person above the age of 25 years, his arteries start getting narrowed depending on his weight,his blood sugar levels,his blood pressure, his smoking habits ,his cholesterol levels , his tension levels and his genetic makeup. My arteries may be 25% blocked, his may be 50% blocked (pointing toward his relatives) and yours are 80% blocked (100% in case of Ac MI) and when this artery gets 100% blocked ,you get Heart attack.
So what we need is universal precaution. Everybody need to take care of his diet, his blood pressure, his blood sugar, his weight, his cholesterol, do regular exercise and stop smoking or chewing tobacco. It is not alone you (pointing to patient) but everyone of us including me are fighting this meance which has increased to epidemic proportions in our country and has become first cause of mortality and morbidity

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